The work of Rodrigo Núñez Architects has received different awards and distinctions such as:

16th Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial Award. Awarded by the Government of Spain - Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda (2024)

The Green Good Design 2024 - Sustainability Awards - Architecture. Awarded by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and the Athens Design and Metropolitan Arts Press (2024)

13th Castilla y León Architecture and Urbanism Award. Awarded by the Official Colleges of Architects of Castilla y León (COAL and COACYLE) (2024)

COACM Miguel Fisac ​​Award - Castilla-La Mancha Architecture and Urbanism Awards 2022-2023. Awarded by the Official College of Architects of Castilla-La Mancha (COACM) (2024)

Mention Luis Mansilla Award - COAM Awards 2024. Awarded by the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM) (2024)

Platinum Outstanding Property Award London 2023. Awarded by Farmani Group  (2023)

Finalist in Concétrico 08, International Festival of Architecture and Design of Logroño (2022)

First prize in the Competition of ideas for a VPO housing building in Garralda (2019). 

Special mention in the EUROPAN 15 competition at the Madrid-La Arboleda site (2019). 

Second prize in the International Competition for the Remodeling of the Plaza de España in Madrid (2017). 

Shortlisted for the XIII Brick Architecture Award for the project House in the forest (2015). 

Finalist in the EUROPAN 11 competition on the Vienna site (2011). 

Second Prize in the Competition for the Sports Centre in Siete Infantes de Lara (2007). 

Second Prize in the Competition for the extension and rehabilitation of the Old Telefónica Building in León (2005). 

Second Prize in the Competition for a 77 VPP building in the PAU of Carabanchel (2003)


